For the past 30 years, the City has worked to transform San Pablo Avenue into a more pedestrian-oriented retail boulevard. An Urban Design Concept Plan was prepared in 1989, followed by Design Guidelines in 1993. A San Pablo Avenue Vision Plan was adopted in 1998, followed by a Streetscape Plan in 2001. Capital improvement projects that have followed these plans have improved the street’s appearance. More recently, a Complete Streets Plan was adopted for San Pablo Avenue and Buchanan Street, and a regional-level plan by the Alameda County Transportation Commission is underway. The recent General Plan update reconsidered the role of San Pablo Avenue in the city, envisioning “a transformation of this corridor from auto-oriented commercial uses to more attractive, pedestrian-oriented, mixed use development.” Despite this foundational planning work over the past 30 years, little has changed on San Pablo Avenue.
Project News!
The Northern Section of the American Planning Association (APA) has awarded the 2023 Hard Won Victory Award of Merit to the San Pablo Avenue Specific Plan. Congratulations to the City of Albany!
JULY 2022 UpdateS
The City Council approved the Specific Plan on July 18, 2022!

The City of Albany has received a Senate Bill (SB)2 grant from the State Department of Housing & Community Development to streamline housing approvals and accelerate housing production, including for affordable housing. This project helps promote development consistent with the State planning priorities.
The City of Albany will focus these funds on the San Pablo Avenue corridor. The scope of work aims to modify design and development standards on San Pablo Avenue to meet General Plan and Housing Element objectives, as well as the goals of SB2. Updates will be considered to the Zoning Ordinance, General Plan, and design guidelines that regulate the development on the corridor.
What regulations/policies are under consideration?
Amendments to design and development standards, and policies that address San Pablo Avenue will be considered to implement the goals of the General Plan.
Zoning Ordinance: amendments to design and development standards along the San Pablo corridor
Design Guidelines: updates to design guidelines for San Pablo Avenue
General Plan: amendments to the General Plan may be required to ensure consistency between the General Plan and Zoning Ordinance
Project TImeline
Grant has been awarded
Planning & Zoning Commission Virtual Meeting #1 - May 27, 2020 : Agenda and Staff Report; Presentation
Virtual tour of East Bay housing
Presentation of key issues and options
Draft zoning standards and site testing
Planning & Zoning Commission Virtual Meeting #2 - July 22, 2020: Agenda, Staff Report, and Public Comment; Presentation
Development Standards: density, height, and parking
Planning & Zoning Commission Virtual Meeting #3 - September 23, 2020: Agenda and Public Comment; Staff Report; Presentation
Plan Boundaries, Land Use, Nodes and Overlays
Online Community Outreach
Visit the Virtual Open House to see input from the community provided between November 2020 and January 2021.
Review the results of the virtual open house in a Presentation to the Planning & Zoning Commission Meeting #4 (March 10, 2021)
Planning & Zoning Commission Virtual Meeting #4 - May 25, 2021: Agenda and Public Comment; Staff Report; Presentation
Draft Land Use Framework
Planning & Zoning Commission Virtual Meeting #5 - June 23, 2021: Agenda and Public Comment; Staff Report; Presentation
Urban Design Framework
Planning & Zoning Commission Virtual Meeting #6 - September 22, 2021: Agenda and Staff Report; Public Comment; Staff/Consultant Presentation; Feasibility Feedback Presentation; Results of Straw Poll
Revised Land Use Framework and Plan Feasibility
Planning & Zoning Commission Virtual Meeting #7 - October 13, 2021: Agenda, Staff Report & Attachments, Presentation
Infrastructure and Transportation Analyses
Public Review Draft Specific Plan (February 2022)
Provide your feedback in the comment form below
Planning & Zoning Commission Virtual Meeting #8 - March 9, 2022: Agenda, Staff Report & Attachments, Presentation
Public Review Draft Plan review
City Council Virtual Meeting - March 21, 2022: Agenda, Staff Report & Attachments, Presentation
Public Review Draft Plan review
CEQA Review (including traffic analysis)
Planning & Zoning Commission Public Hearing - June 22, 2022: Agenda, Staff Report & Attachments, Presentation
City Council Public Hearing - July 18, 2022: Agenda, Staff Report & Attachments, Presentation
City Council Public Hearing - October 3, 2022 (Community Benefits)

City of Albany
San Pablo Avenue Specific Plan (Adopted July 2022)
Design Guidelines & Objective Standards (Adopted July 2022)
Previous Draft Public Review Draft Specific Plan (July 2022)
Previous Draft Draft Design Guidelines & Objective Standards (July 2022)
Previous Draft Public Review Draft Specific Plan (June 2022)
Previous Draft Draft Design Guidelines & Objective Standards (June 2022)
Previous Draft Public Review Draft Specific Plan (February 2022)
San Pablo Avenue Design Guidelines (1989)
San Pablo and Buchanan Complete Streets Report
Regional Agencies
Alameda County Transportation Commission (ACTC) San Pablo Avenue Corridor Project Website

Sign up to receive project updates and share your feedback on the Draft Specific Plan
Jeff Bond
City of Albany Community Development Director